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MiFID II Certification

Officially accredited and recognised by the CSSF

We are pleased to announce that the House of Training has been accredited and recognised by the CSSF as an organisation that delivers an external Training Programme in line with the requirements of the CSSF circulars 17/665 and 17/670.

In light of the heterogeneous requirements that MiFID II in-scope entities may have, the MiFID II Training Programme described hereafter is based on a blended learning approach with 10 independent modules, composed of 8 instructor-led courses and 2 complementary e-learning courses. 

The programme can be booked as a one-stop solution (64 hours without the optional e-learning courses, or 76 hours with the optional e-learning courses) for an in-scope entity’s external MiFID II Training Programme or adapted to the specific needs of an in-scope entity. In the latter case, entities with specific needs freely choose which of the modules they want their employees to participate in. Firms booking the one-stop solution or selected modules can propose to their employees to pass a test at the end of the programme and, upon successful passing of the test, they will be awarded with a MiFID II Certification for professionals providing investment information. A specific course and test for professionals providing investment advice can further be booked and will validate the necessary theoretical skills for any professional active in investment advisory services.

The persons concerned by the training programme are all persons placed under the authority of a professional (or acting on his behalf) subject to prudential supervision by the CSSF, i.e. individuals providing investment advice (“Advisory profile”) or information (“Information profile”) on financial instruments, investment services or ancillary services to clients.

MiFID II Certification Programme

As mentioned earlier, the full MiFID II Certification Programme consists of 10 independent modules.

View the full MiFID II Certification Programme


Download our MiFID II Certification brochure

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Nouvelle collaboration House of Training


Le catalogue 2018 vient de paraître

Près de 600 modules de formation
