In the context of the COVID-19 health crisis, we wish to bring to your attention the following information:
Face-to-face training
All necessary precautionary measures (in terms of maximum number of participants, distance, protective equipment, etc.) is put in place and strictly observed. You can consult the health precautions taken and to be observed during all training sessions carried out by the House of Training and within the Training Centre of the Chamber of Commerce: :
Guide des précautions sanitaires prises et à respecter
Guide to the health precautions taken and to be observed
Distance learning
We have developed a range of distance learning courses . Please consult our offer via this link.
In order to have a more relaxed experience when participating in any online training, we encourage you to read the following guide :
Classe virtuelle : les bonnes pratiques
The Virtual Classroom: Best Practices
We are remain at your disposal. Please do not hesitate to contact us via e-mail (