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Cette formation est proposée sous forme de formation présentielle.

DAC 6 Readiness - Luxembourg Implementation of the EU Mandatory Disclosure Regime and Recent Updates




After the training the participant shall be able to:

  • have an overview of DAC6, an EU Directive which requires tax intermediaries or taxpayers to report cross-border arrangements that contain at least one of the hallmarks (characteristics or features of a cross-border arrangement) defined in the Directive
  • understand the new reporting obligations that apply for arrangements implemented as from 25 June 2018
  • understand when the reporting obligations are shifted to the taxpayer because of a professional privilege 
  • have a view on timing aspects and potential penalties
  • understand the mechanics of the hallmarks and the main benefit test (that needs to be fulfilled for many hallmarks to result in reporting obligations)
  • have a clear view on how to deal with these obligations in practice and their impacts on internal procedures
  • understand the various recent updates brought by the Luxembourg tax authorities.
  • Introduction
  • Design principles and main objectives of mandatory disclosure regimes
  • Overview of the new disclosure regime
  • Definition of tax intermediaries
  • Reportable arrangements
  • Information to be reported
  • Reporting responsibilities
  • Competing reporting obligations
  • Timing aspects
  • Penalties for non-compliance
  • Analysis of the hallmarks that may trigger reporting obligations
  • Understanding of the main benefit test and its importance in the new reporting regime
  • Determining reportable cross-border arrangements
  • Case studies
Target audience
  • Professionals of the financial sector and tax managers of multinational groups that would like to gain a clear view on the impact of the new reporting obligations on their investments structured via Luxembourg and the potential obligations of taxpayers.

This training may further be of interest for tax intermediaries that may have reporting obligations under DAC 6. 


Course Material

Please note that for environmental reasons no paper version of the training material will be provided for your training. The course material can be downloaded free of charge via your portal before the start of the course (download the Client Portal User’s Guide here). You will be able to view it on the screen of your mobile device or print it if necessary. If your registration has been made by a training manager of your company please contact him/her so that he/she can give you access to it or send it to you.


At the end of the training, the participants will receive a certificate of attendance delivered by the House of Training.

Chambre de Commerce Luxembourg
7, rue Alcide de Gasperi
L-1615 Luxembourg
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Sessions et horaires

Télécharger le planning (PDF)

  • Wed 12.03.2025

    09:00 à 13:00


    DAC 6 Readiness - Luxembourg Implementation of the EU Mandatory Disclosure Regime and Recent Updates

    Salle Hengen (House of Training)